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Monday, April 23, 2007

Ella Gray

As most of you know, I am from the hills of southern Ohio. I love going back home to visit my family and friends. Unfortunately, my time there is always short and I never feel like I get to spend quality time with anyone. However, every moment is precious... even if it is only for a few minutes. This visit was focused on some of my closest friends...Amy & Patrick. I grew up with Amy and we were even roommates at IWU. We have many, many memories together and this is another one to cherish. Amy just had a little girl, Ella Gray, and she is absolutely precious...and talk about curly, dark hair... I love it!! Anyway, Patrick was home for a short time from Iraq and I was so excited to capture these moments for them before he headed back. Amy and have truly been blessed with a beautiful little girl. I hope these coming months fly by for you both so that the three of you can be back together again. I love you guys!


Shelly Valentine said...

I love the nursery shot! Your stuff is looking AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

How precious, what a sweet smile :)