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We look forward to hearing from you!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Such a beautiful family...

Jeremy and I have gotten to know Jon and Meg rather well over the past couple of years. They happen to be mutual friends to a number of our former wedding clients, so it seems as though we have seen them on a somewhat regular basis...which makes for good times. When Meg called to set up their session I was so excited that we would get to see them again. They have 3 beautiful boys who are as sweet as can be. Their youngest little guy is only a couple of months younger than Claire, so we got to go through the pregnancy joys and woes together. I can't say enough about them...they are so much fun to be around. I hope our paths continue to cross in the future. Enjoy, enjoy!!!

...nothing better than brothers!
Photobucket those chubby cheeks...both sets! :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Little Baby Jordan...

I had the wonderful opportunity of documenting this special time for Todd and Jenni. They have such a sweet little family and I truly enjoyed getting to know them. Jenni and I started talking last year about this session. Since we were both having babies and both were girls it was fun to touch base by email about how ready we were to not be pregnant anymore. ;) The best part was the finished product. Jordan is absolutely precious and pretty much slept through the entire session. Congratulations you guys! You have such a beautiful family.

We had an Elmo fan and I was obviously in the way. ;)
I just had to post this shot. Yes, his finger is entering her nose. Hilarious!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Well, it was another busy weekend for us, but this time it didn't involve a camera (other than my point-n-shoot :). We had been planning a trip to Ohio for quite some time to visit with family and friends and to show off Claire. We knew that once wedding season started our times away would be few and far between, so we decided to make a go of it this weekend until...our hosting issues started.

As you read in the previous post, we have been having some hosting issues. We spent a good portion of our Friday trying to straighten things out. This whole mess was completely out of my department of understanding...:) Thankfully, Jeremy had the day off to make some long phone calls to our old host, new host, you name it, he probably talked to them. ;) Anyway, things turned around for the better and we were able to accomplish what we needed on our end, so we hit the road bright (oh, wait...dark) and early Saturday morning.

We celebrated birthdays, had Easter egg hunts, visited with friends and family, and headed to church with my family...all within 36 hours. I was so thankful that we continued with our plans to Ohio even though it was for a short time. I tend to be one of those people who thinks...if I can just get this done then I will be able to relax. Ha! My list never ends which means little relaxing. However, life can pass us by quickly if we don't take the time to stop and listen. This weekend I stopped and I listened to... the excitement of being a child while Gabe looked for Easter eggs, the real reason we celebrate Easter, my family and friends sharing stories with laughter and tears, and the list goes on. I hope that you will be able to stop and listen even when our lists in life seem to fill the page. God's blessings to you and we trust that you had a Happy Easter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

WPPI...kind of a big deal!

Well, I'm back from wonderful Las Vegas! It was another worthwhile year at WPPI and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to go. It is amazing how much information you can receive in just a couple of days. I look forward to implementing a lot of it this year. We also were able to experience first-hand some of the awesome products we will be offering this year. I look forward to sharing it all with you in the near future.

In addition to the speakers and trade show, networking is another integral part of WPPI. As I mentioned before, I was able to travel with some close friends who just happen to be photographers. :) It was a great time to continue the building of those friendships and the start of many more.

The topper of the whole trip was Claire. I had some reservations about taking her, but she surpassed all of our expectations. She was happy and content the entire time...not to mention she was quite popular. We didn't get far without people stopping to take a quick peek at her. She was also joined by others in her age-bracket like little Alexia from Vancouver, Canada. They are just days apart and we had to snap a quick picture of the two of them together.

Finally, thank you for your patience while I was away on this trip. This is such an important time to learn and see the new products that our out there. We strive to bring you the best and times like these allow us to pursue those goals for you. On a side note, we have been experiencing some email issues--arrgghhhh!!! We are switching hosts to help prevent any future problems. Please bear with us over the next week or so while we get these details ironed out.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sweet Baby Austin

Baby Austin came into the world weighing 1 pound 8 ounces. After her 2 month stay in the hospital, she was ready to come home. She now weighs 8 pounds and is as healthy as ever. It wasn't long before she was ready for her first photo session...and I was so excited for them to call. She is a delightful baby who loves her mommy and daddy. Many blessings to you both. You have a precious baby!
