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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep...

I am honored to say that I have been accepted to be an Affiliated Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Photographer. I found out about NILMDTS at the WPPI conference last year and my heart fell in love with the program. NILMDTS is a non-profit organization that uses local photographers to document families who have suffered the loss of an infant...providing them with images that will keep the memory of their little one alive forever.

In January of 2001, Jeremy's brother and sister-n-law, lost their precious little boy, Isaac Matthew, at 6 months gestational. It was a difficult time for all of us, but especially Scott and Julie. I remember seeing the pictures the hospital took to preserve his memory, and while they are an invaluable memorial, they do not reflect the work of a skilled photographer. I don't say this in negativity to the hospital because I understand that they are not photographers. However, there are those of us that have the ability to document a life and I so wish that they could have had that kind of documentation...celebrating his life.

As a result of our personal experience and the heart I have for those who have lost a loved one, we decided that I would check into it on a deeper level. I know that this will be a humbling/difficult, yet gratifying experience for me. Jeremy and I talked a few years back as to how we could give to the community and be an example by using the talents and abilities that God has given us...this is one of them. I hope that as these times develop that I will not only be able to provide lasting memories, but be a comfort during this devastating time. Check back for future posts.


Anonymous said...

you may not remember me from just an engagement session last spring, but i still check your blog frequently. as the older sister to two miscarried babies, i am touched by this organization. if only my family had this opportunity 17 & 15 years ago. what a wonderful way to give back. thank you for sharing.

natalie marquardt-cline

Shelly Valentine said...

The blog header looks great!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say thank you for doing this Mel. You don't know how much this will actually impact these families lives. Yes we do have pictures of Isaac that we will treasure forever but they could have been so much better if a professional like you had done them. My only wish is that you would never get a phone call to go do it. It is a pain that I wish no one would ever have to know. Thanks again for doing this, even when you may not know it, you are really going to impact lives with this.

Love ya,

Jessica Johnston said...

Hey - your new blog looks awesome! how did you switch from the old template??

PDW said...

I think this is a wonderful gesture for your family!

Your Uncle Paul Wilson