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Friday, March 30, 2007 we come!!!

Well, Jeremy and I are leaving for Germany tomorrow and I am not sure that reality has hit for either of us. We have always wanted to go to Europe, but thought it would be a vacation we ventured out on after the kids were out of the house...meaning a long time from now. :) However, my cousin, Ryndee, her husband and kids are stationed in Germany. Her husband is a pilot in the Air Force. They have been there for the past couple of years and their leave will be up soon. They have encouraged us to come out there from day one and life kept getting in the way. Well, last summer Jeremy and I started talking a bit more seriously about going out there. We would have a place to stay and our own family would be the ones giving the tour. Talk about saving a ton of money...and getting the chance to visit with family...we couldn't have asked for a better situation. Well...last November Ryndee sent me a family picture of them from Germany. Needless to say, we decided to go for it. I am so excited (and will be even more excited once we have landed in Germany:) and can't wait to see Ryndee and her family. Ryndee has been the sister I never had. We practically grew up together, shared many life stories, and have many more to come. We are so thankful to have this opportunity. Stay tuned for some amazing pictures. I will try and post a couple while we are there.

All of this leads me to the next thing...since we will be out of the country we will not be able to be in contact with anyone. I will be able to check email, but may not be able to respond right away. We appreciate your patience and will be available the week of April 9th...I promise to catch up. :) Thank you for understanding. Ok...I obviously need to go to bed--have a blessed week! Melody

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Its great that you went to Germany, I have family from there and who live there, beautiful plase, can't wait to see some pics!