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Monday, May 7, 2007

Mini-Marathon Update

I know you are all anxious to hear how the mini-marathon went (lol) and let's just say that I'm glad it's over. It was only supposed to be in the low 60's Saturday morning, but the dewpoint was 60% causing the humidity to feel like it was least to me ;). So, needless to say it was a sweaty, long race which I was glad to finish and put behind me ;). We didn't exactly get the time we were hoping, but considering the weather we only walked about a half mile total...I'll take that accomplishment. Thank you all for cheering me on! Here are a few pictures that Jeremy took...can't you just see the hazy humidity in the 2nd one? Wow! I'm glad it's over! ;)


nicole green said...

congrats!!! i don't see how you did it. :) you are awesome! uh there is NO way i could even do a mile .. i'm that out of shape. haha!

Anonymous said...

congrats mel, i'm so proud of ya!